Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dec 5 - Ings

I ended up coming back to Shanghai a day early. Everyone in Beijing was either busy or sick or out of town, so rather than sit around and feel sorry for myself cause my friends are busy and I wasn't doing anything, I just came back. I did get to see most of my friends, it's not like I wasn't going to see anyone, but I probably wouldn't have done anything tonight and would have felt bad about it. Doing nothing in Shanghai is ok, though, cause at least I can curl up in bed and not feel like my friends can't make time for me (which I'm sure isn't true, but still crosses my mind). So this was probably the right decision, although it's raining here so that's no fun. But I've picked what I think is a good rainy day song. Dog Physics, by Ings. This band isn't great, but I really liked this song when I heard it. And it's at least nominally about dogs, so gotta love that.

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