Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dec 1 - Duologue

And just when I thought work wasn't too exciting, something a bit nuts happened today. I really shouldn't say too much, but ask me when you see me and I can tell you all about it. It was a pretty hectic day that ended with something somewhat ridiculous, which made me laugh more than anything else, I guess. But I'm glad it's over, and I definitely need a drink after this one. Good thing I've got a date at one of my favorite bars tonight, so that should be good.

Also good is Duologue, this British band I just found a couple weeks ago. Very Radioheadish. They put out their second album, Never Get Lost, last year, and it's a really good one. Most songs are all kind of the same, but it is a pretty great sound. Best track would probably have to be Forests, so now you get to listen to that today.

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