Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dec 16 - Nevermen

Today was another work from home and do strategy day. Went really well, and very glad I worked from home because I went to Daliah's last night, stayed until 10:30, then went to the grilled cheese shop and drank for another hour and a half. Whoops. And now I'm off to Daliah's again tonight. Oy. But tonight can't be a late night! I'm promising myself. I have to be up early. I can't do two nights like that and still make it to work, especially when I have a video conference with the CEO that means I have to work late, too.

Other happenings today included making plans for New Years Eve (I'll be in Hong Kong, we're still planning, but things are sounding great so far), and I watched like half of Transparent Season 2. I have no plans tomorrow night (those got moved to Friday), so I may just finish it tomorrow if possible. Such a great show. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor.

Today in new music for next year we have Nevermen. This is a group made up of Tunde Adebimpe from TV On The Radio, rapper Doseone, and some other guy, and they make weird music. Interesting, but very weird. Interesting enough for me to want to hear more. Also any side project from TV On The Radio is something I'll pay attention to. So here's a weird song for the day: Mr. Mistake.

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