Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dec 3 - Lucius

This cold in Beijing is not fun. And it's made me sick again. And I realized today that when it's this cold, going inside and warming up after being out in the cold makes me really sleepy, so I've also been really sleepy today. Blergh. I'm about to take some Chinese meds and go pass out. But at least there isn't pollution to make it worse.

But before I do, Lucius is back! I didn't intend to share a Lucius song today, I intended to share something else (which will now be shared tomorrow). But they've been counting down on Instagram to a big announcement, and that big announcement was made today. Their new album, Good Grief, will be out next March! Good timing too, cause I had this crazy dream about Lucius last night. They came to China, and I was helping arrange their tour, which consisted of shows in high school auditoriums. Also my sister was their violin player. They don't have a violin player, and my sister does not play violin. It was weird. But I guess it was prescient, because today we also got the first single off of the new album, called Born Again Teen. It's a great track. If this is what we have to look forward to on the new album, I think it's gonna be a good one.

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