Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec 18 - Thunderbitch

This was probably the last work from home day of the year. I want to try and take next Tuesday from home also, but I'm out of the office in Beijing on Monday, so I need to go in Tuesday, sadly. I've got a doctor's appointment though, so could totally get away with it otherwise. Anyway, I'll just leave work early. I was actually supposed to be on a date tonight, but it got cancelled. Oh well. I guess it worked out because I forgot to write a blog earlier, and here I am now.

And today's blog is about Thunderbitch, a side project from Brittany Howard of The Alabama Shakes. I found out about them through a year-end best of list on NPR, and I was actually only looking for songs by artists I like, and reading about other things that caught my eye, and with a name like Thunderbitch you can believe this caught my eye. And lucky it did, cause Brittany Howard. This is not Alabama Shakes, though. This is much more straightforward rock and roll. It's not as good as Alabama Shakes, but they put out a solid, fun album. Favorite song on it is probably My Baby Is My Guitar, which just from the title you should be able to guess what kind of music they're making.

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