Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dec 26 - Overcoats

Today was the day I've been waiting for all week. I usually like to have one day in the week where I sit home alone and order in dinner and do nothing, and I feel like I did not have that this week. And because I have Ozzie (did I mention I'm dog sitting?) I basically get home, walk him for a bit, drop him off, go out, come home, walk him, and go to sleep late. So it's been a long week. So today I did absolutely nothing until 4pm. Well, that's not completely true. I did some errands this morning, but mostly nothing. Then there was a pretty shitty Christmas market followed by a couple bars, tacos, and Sharknado. I know I'm way behind on seeing this film, but holy shit it's amazing. Like, my new favorite movie. There is nothing good about it. It is so spectacularly bad it's hard to believe. I absolutely love it.

Overcoats are not spectacularly bad, though. I'm not sure they're spectacularly good, either, though. They sound like a dual female vocalist band (a la Lucius, but really more a la First Aid Kit cause they're more folky, but also kind of like Ibeyi in some ways). They do have this song Smaller Than My Mother which really caught my attention, so they're now on my watchlist for next year. Their other songs I've heard leave something to be desired, but let's wait and see and hope for more.

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