Thursday, December 31, 2015

Dec 31 - Cross Record

First day in Hong Kong was a complete success. After staying up drinking and watching youtube videos until 2:30, we had a late start. First stop was of course Dim Sum, at this really traditional place where they spoke no English and you had to fight to get things off of carts that came around. Many elbows were jostled. Many good things were consumed. I did miss out on one of my favorites (cheong fun), but I had maybe the best char siew bao of my life. Then we did a walking tour all over Central Hong Kong, and now it's time to get ready for New Year's Eve. We're going to this fancy dinner with all you can drink over on the Kowloon side, right on the waterfront, so we'll be able to have great views of the Hong Kong skyline and the fireworks at midnight. Should be a great time!

If yesterday was for looking back, today is for looking forward to next year. And there’s a lot to look forward to. There’s already a few old favorites with new music coming out, like Santigold, SZA, Daughter and Lucius. Then there’s newish artists that will hopefully put out debut albums instead of just EPs, like Miya Folick, Junius Meyvant, Anna B Savage, and Kacy Hill. And there’s the new kids, the ones with just a couple of songs but whose albums (or even debut EPs) I can’t wait for, like Anohni, Joon Moon, and Sofi Tukker. But I think chief amongst these is Cross Record. I already posted their one single, Steady Waves, the other day. And now I’ll post their other single, High Rise. Both off of their debut album Wabi-Sabi, which luckily we don’t have to wait too long for. It’s also good cause I’ve noticed this last week or two that I’ve been very into these dark and broody ladies this year, so maybe this will be a new direction of musical obsession for me. For the moment it is, anyway.

So that’s it, kiddos. A year in music. I missed a few days, but overall I’d say I did pretty damn good. Go listen to the Spotify playlist if you like. It doesn’t have everything, but I think it’s a pretty damn good one. I'll keep writing next year. Not every day, but I think more than I did this year. Hope you have a great New Year's Eve, and talk to you in 2016!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Dec 30 - Grimes

My last day at work is done, and I'm now sitting at the airport waiting to go to Hong Kong. I can not wait to be there. You'd think that would have made my last day at work even longer than the previou couple, but it felt like it actually went faster somehow. Which is great.

It's been years since I went to Hong Kong for fun. I've been a couple times for a quick overnight or a quick day trip, but just for work. This time I've got like 4 days to do no work. It should be great. Things to do on my list are: eat. That's it. What else would there be?

Another interesting tidbit. As I was waiting in line for customers, I was super happy. I've been stuck in Shanghai for like 3 months, almost non-stop. I can't even tell you the last time I spent even a single month in one place without moving. It's crazy. And I think that's been part of why I've been feeling down. Now that I'm actually leaving the country and moving and going somewhere, I feel like I'm doing something. Rather than just sitting around. And that makes me extremely happy. So I wonder if this low point I've been stuck in for a while is maybe also, in part, due to that. I hope so, cause with this trip my traveling is starting up in earnest again. I've got almost every week between now and mid-July 2016 planned out, so I'll have no time to feel bored. Which is great.

Being December 30th, I only have two days left on the blog for the year. Obviously I'll keep writing next year, but I get two more songs of the day to finish off the year. So I think one needs to be looking back, and one forward. I guess tomorrow should be looking forward, so today we look back at a song and artist I loved this year. One that hasn't been shared on the blog yet. Well, the artist has, the song hasn't. The artist is Grimes. I'm choosing her because I think this was a big pop year for me. Indie pop, obviously, but there was a lot more dancy, upbeat, close-to-mainstream music in my life, and I started to realize that I actually do like what's considered pop. I just don't like what's actually popular. Because what's actually popular tends to be easy, overplayed and unimaginative. But there are a lot of really great artists out there making what is essentially pop music. And Grimes is one of those. And she blew me away with Art Angels. I thought she was so overrated in the past, but this album is fantastic. So here's a excellent pop song, Belly of the Beat.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dec 29 - Radiohead

Oh my god my brain is going to melt. That's not the right word. Melting would imply that something is so hot and awesome that it melts my brain. Like a sick guitar solo. That's not the word I want. My brain is going to atrophy. That's better. Work has been so boring these last couple of days, and tomorrow will be no better. I'm dying. Thank God I can leave early tomorrow to go to Hong Kong. Where it's warm. Today was very cold in Shanghai, this morning was probably around 0 degrees. This afternoon Hong Kong was 18. Those are degrees I like. I'm so ready to go. But first I have to get through one more day....

Also today I will be handing off Ozzie (sad face) and eating Sichuan food at a place that has really good reviews online (happy face) which is wonderful because I have yet to find a good Sichuan place in Shanghai and this one is really close to me. So here's hoping.

When I posted Massive Attack the other day, one of the little suggested videos that came up was Lotus Flower by Radiohead. That one where Thom Yorke just dances awkwardly. It's kind of like the original Hotline Bling, if you think about it. Anyway, it made me realize that I did not have Radiohead on my blog this year, which is really unacceptable cause I'm sure at some point in the year I've gone through the entire Radiohead catalogue. Maybe even twice. It happens from time to time. But luckily I have 3 more songs to share this year, so today's will be from Radiohead. I was thinking of sharing Bloom, off of The King Of Limbs, cause I adore that song. But I actually want something more upbeat. So we'll go a little older, back to OK Computer, and play you Airbag. Which actually may be my favorite Radiohead song anyway, so it's perfect.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Dec 28 - Benjamin Clementine

I think I was in a bit of a funk the last week. I haven't really been feeling myself, and I think it's just been after that whole cancer scare I was so busy and didn't have time to decompress and get any time for myself, so was still feeling quite stressed without realizing it. But yesterday, as you read, I did nothing, and today I was feeling great. I feel a lot better than I have been. And I think it was just sitting around and doing nothing and talking to nobody that did it. It was fantastic. And now I'm back on it today. After work my friend Julia came over, we took Ozzie for a long walk, then ordered in and watched Magic Mike XXL. I haven't seen the first one, but as you can imagine that didn't matter. It was a pretty funny movie actually, I rather enjoyed it. More than I expected anyway. And next up is bed.

But luckily I have a great artist to share with you - Benjamin Clementine. He's a British-French poet and singer, and he was this year's winner of the Mercury Prize. I actually don't know how I missed out on the nominees for the Mercury Prize this year and only found the list last week, but somehow I did. And while I don't always agree with the winner (and I'm not sure I do this year, either, but actually maybe), this year's winner is pretty great. Interesting, to say the least. His lyrics are (obviously) very poetic. And his voice is really powerful. And his music is wonderful. Not a bad combination at all. So today's song is London, off of his debut album At Least For Now.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Dec 27 - Massive Attack

I did pretty much nothing today. Pretty much nothing productive, anyway. The only productive thing I did was finally get the name changed on these fapiao that I've been needing to change for a while. And the only reason I did it is because it's almost the end of the year and I'm afraid I won't be able to after New Year. My friend got them for me when he went to a fancy Japanese dinner. So I went to change them and then ended up having a fancy Japanese lunch. It was at this place called Aoki, really nice omakase sushi place that's apparently a branch of a Michelin star place in Tokyo. So it was pretty fantastic. Otherwise I finished the first season of Fargo (fantastic story, and extremely well told. Watch it if you haven't) and I watched the 4th season of Luther. Luther is one of my favorite shows. It's this British cop drama with Idris Elba and it's wonderful. Being British, there's like no episodes even though there's 4 seasons. And it's taken them like 19 years to make 4 seasons. That might not be true, but it feels like it. It's a great show, though, and you can't go wrong with Idris Elba. So go watch it.

Which brings us to today's song, Paradise Circus by Massive Attack, which is the theme song from Luther. I actually heard this song when they put out Heligoland back in 2010 and don't remember it making any big impression. But I guess together with this show that I love, I've heard it more and come to love it. It's a pretty gorgeous song, vocally and orchestrally, plus it's got a great handclap/drum beat thing I love. I am a sucker for a handclap in a song, after all.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Dec 26 - Overcoats

Today was the day I've been waiting for all week. I usually like to have one day in the week where I sit home alone and order in dinner and do nothing, and I feel like I did not have that this week. And because I have Ozzie (did I mention I'm dog sitting?) I basically get home, walk him for a bit, drop him off, go out, come home, walk him, and go to sleep late. So it's been a long week. So today I did absolutely nothing until 4pm. Well, that's not completely true. I did some errands this morning, but mostly nothing. Then there was a pretty shitty Christmas market followed by a couple bars, tacos, and Sharknado. I know I'm way behind on seeing this film, but holy shit it's amazing. Like, my new favorite movie. There is nothing good about it. It is so spectacularly bad it's hard to believe. I absolutely love it.

Overcoats are not spectacularly bad, though. I'm not sure they're spectacularly good, either, though. They sound like a dual female vocalist band (a la Lucius, but really more a la First Aid Kit cause they're more folky, but also kind of like Ibeyi in some ways). They do have this song Smaller Than My Mother which really caught my attention, so they're now on my watchlist for next year. Their other songs I've heard leave something to be desired, but let's wait and see and hope for more.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Dec 25 - The Beatles

I'm writing this at the office, cause after a couple months of actually being in the office and being really busy, I'm back to not being so busy. I have things to do, and I've been doing them, but not enough to keep me busy between now and New Year, so I'm spreading it out, I guess you could say. And it being Christmas and nobody being in the office and all my friends having the day off and me being very tired, I don't care. So I've wasted a lot of time today. In part by writing this blog, as short as it is.

Today is not new music, as you can tell from the title. But I chose The Beatles because their entire library of music, which was never available on streaming services before, became available this week. Which means you can listen to all Beatles songs on pretty much any streaming platform. My platform of choice being Spotify, of course. So we'll listen to Eleanor Rigby, one of my favorite songs by The Beatles.

Dec 24 - Cross Record

Today has turned into an "I-hate-China" day. Mostly because of the rain and traffic and being late and lack of sleep and not wanting to do anything but having to go to a Christmas dinner with someone who's mildly anti-Semitic. I'm actually not upset about having to go to the Christmas party, I'm quite looking forward to it, just not looking forward to seeing this woman I can't stand. I see her from time to time but in large groups, which tonight won't be. I don't think she's actually anti-Semitic, but the first time we met she thought it was a good idea, upon learning I'm Jewish, to tell me the story of how there used to be this parking lot in Riga, where she's from, but then they found out there was a WWII mass grave under it, so they ripped it up and turned it into a memorial, which is soooo annoying because parking in Riga is really difficult to find already, and it's not even like people are allowed to use it and go on the grass, it's just this memorial and it's so annoying. Yeah. So other than that, Christmas should be fun!

The best part of the day today was the weekly Spotify playlist I get from Spotify, which happened to have a lot of good stuff this week. The best of which, by far, was Cross Record. They're this husband and wife duo who got married and moved to a farm in rural Texas and then made this album called Wabi-Sabi which comes out next month and which I'm now really excited for. It's more of this dark, broody female alt rock that I've found a lot of great new artists who make this year (like Anna B Savage and Miya Folick), not to mention the older ones who I love (like Sharon Van Etten). So if you're into that kind of stuff, you'll like this. There are two singles out so far, Steady Waves and High Rise, both of which are fantastic. So now I'm gonna go and pre-order this album cause I'm pretty excited about it now. In the meantime, enjoy Steady Waves, the best new song I heard today.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Dec 23 - My Brightest Diamond

As I mentioned, yesterday was a very good day. For the last 6 weeks or so I had a bit of a cancer scare, so that was pretty freaky. And yesterday I found out I don't have cancer! So yay! Very yay!

Basically, I went in for a physical about 6 weeks ago, and they sent me for a follow-up CT scan, at which point they found something in my lung that should not have been there. It was just this small little circle that they called "ground grass". The doctor who told me about it seemed pretty nervous, and so that also did not put me at ease. He then sent me on to see a pulmonologist. With the pulmonologist, he explained that it could be nothing. Sometimes they see things like this due to just some sort of infection or pneumonia, and that the chances of me having cancer at 31 and a non-smoker were extremely low. That also did not put me at ease, though. He said normally they'd just give me antibiotics and check back a few weeks later, but because of the size (it was 1.8cm), he didn't suggest waiting, but moving on directly to the next steps (under 0.5cm they would have just done antibiotics). So the next steps were to get a blood test to check for cancer cells, and then to get a PET-CT scan. This took about 3 weeks to arrange because my insurance were dicks and didn't want to approve it. Probably cause it's really expensive, but finally they did. Of course in the meantime I had blood test results that I knew existed for 3 weeks but which weren't given to me, so that also had me convinced that it was bad news and the doctor didn't want to give me bad blood results until he had the PET-CT to back it up. With the PET-CT, they scan your entire body to look for high concentrations of glucose, because apparently cancer cells, which grow quickly, need lots of energy and get it from glucose. So we finally got those results last week and set up the appointment yesterday, and the doctor told me I don't have cancer. So finally, my  mind was at ease. It was a pretty stressful month or so. Obviously. I am very glad that it is over and I don't have to worry about it. He is gonna have me go back for another CT scan in 3 months to see if the "ground grass" is still there or not, as a precaution, but at least we know it's not cancer!

So I can be happy and move forward with much less stress. And much happier, because after that it's hard to get me down. And I need an appropriate song, of course. I wanted to pick Feeling Good by Nina Simone, cause it's one of my favorite songs ever, and it's pretty fitting. I've already played it this year, but I thought to myself "who cares? I don't have cancer, I'mma do what I want!" But then I realized I could just play you the amazing version by My Brightest Diamond, who is one of my favorite artists. This was also the first thing I ever heard by her. So I made it work out. Yay for good music, and yay for no cancer!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Dec 22 - Damien Rice

Today probably isn't the day to play Damien Rice, and I'll explain why tomorrow, but skipping the long story and getting to the point, we were discussing my birthday and next year Damien Rice is playing in Shanghai on my birthday and then I realized I had not shared a Damien Rice song on the blog yet this year and that's not ok. It is difficult to choose just one, but I guess it's gotta be Volcano, off of O. But actually, today is a happy day. A very, very happy day. So sad Damien Rice isn't fitting. But it's ok, it's still great.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Dec 21 - Jordan Rakei

I made it back to home an hour earlier than I even should have arrived in Shanghai! My meeting in Beijing this morning went better than expected, and finished up a bit early. I couldn't change my flight, but I could cancel it, run to the train station, run through the train station, and buy literally the last ticket on my train which left 20 minutes later. It was very important I get on that train, because it arrived at 7:56, and the next train would have arrived at 8:45, even though it only left 5 minutes later. I tried to buy online in the cab but couldn't, and by the time I got to the line there were only 19 tickets left. But when I got to the front and asked for a ticket, the guy said there were none. I told him to just put me on whichever got into Shanghai earliest, and as he was looking 1 ticket popped up on my train. So it was all mine! And then for the next 5 hours I had a chat with the very talkative guy next to me, watched a film, and started watching the series Fargo. And now I'm home waiting for my xiaolongbao to arrive, then bed. It's been pretty damn good!

Speaking of good, Jordan Rakei is good. I learned about him in an email from Kacy Hill. She sends her recommendations, mostly for LA things since she's based there, to her mailing list. And this time it included Jordan Rakei and his 2014 EP Groove Curse, which is really damn good. Very chill, soulful sound. Kind of like D'Angelo! Which is always a fantastic thing. I actually can't choose which song to play, but right now I'm listening to it and A Tribe Called Government is playing, so that's what you get today. Great stuff. Now I need to go buy this EP.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dec 20 - Brazilian Girls

I missed yesterday cause I was super wasted. I went to an all you can drink brunch, and I know how those go, so I probably should have written before going. But instead I thought that I'd be sober enough before bed to at least type something up. Well that was not the case. I was very not sober. In fact I vomited, for the first time in a very long time. But other than that it was a great day! Brunch was around the corner from my place, and then I went back to my place after for an impromptu dance party, which I believe consisted mostly of Grimes and Brazilian Girls. I'm not sure, it's a bit of a blur. I think I maybe also made out with this girl that was at brunch with us, but again not sure. All I do know is there was dancing, the neighbors complained we were too loud, and then I was asleep by 8pm. Then I woke up at 2, went back to sleep at 5, woke up at 8, and now I'm in Beijing. It's been a weird day, though. I spent the morning feeling like I'd woken up from a post-brunch nap, and that it was actually Saturday afternoon and not Sunday morning. It probably wasn't until I was on the plane and woke up after my nap that I finally felt like it was Sunday. But now I've normalized and am ready for work tomorrow. I'm just here for the night, I have a meeting in the morning, then it's back to Shanghai tomorrow. As usual the air is pretty shitty, but at least it's warmer than I expected. I'm gonna go see friends in a bit, which is why I came early.

In honor of yesterday's dance party, it's a Brazilian Girls song today. Good Time. Which has been on my blog before, but not this year. Plus the only Brazilian Girls song on the blog this year is my least favorite of my favorite songs by them, so I should make sure to get one of my most favorite favorites, too.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec 18 - Thunderbitch

This was probably the last work from home day of the year. I want to try and take next Tuesday from home also, but I'm out of the office in Beijing on Monday, so I need to go in Tuesday, sadly. I've got a doctor's appointment though, so could totally get away with it otherwise. Anyway, I'll just leave work early. I was actually supposed to be on a date tonight, but it got cancelled. Oh well. I guess it worked out because I forgot to write a blog earlier, and here I am now.

And today's blog is about Thunderbitch, a side project from Brittany Howard of The Alabama Shakes. I found out about them through a year-end best of list on NPR, and I was actually only looking for songs by artists I like, and reading about other things that caught my eye, and with a name like Thunderbitch you can believe this caught my eye. And lucky it did, cause Brittany Howard. This is not Alabama Shakes, though. This is much more straightforward rock and roll. It's not as good as Alabama Shakes, but they put out a solid, fun album. Favorite song on it is probably My Baby Is My Guitar, which just from the title you should be able to guess what kind of music they're making.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Dec 17 - Alice Boman

I just finished watching the second season of Transparent, and god damn that show is amazing. I started it last night, and I finished it tonight. Luckily my plans tonight got cancelled, which was perfect because I wanted to sit here and do nothing but watch that show. And I'm so glad I did. I'm not sure if that or Masters of None was my favorite show of the year, but I guess you could say I love them both for the same reason. They have a ridiculous amount of heart, but in different ways. Masters of None dealt with real issues in a very comedic and nonchalant way, but really got to the heart of things and explained them in a way that I think really connected with the Aziz Ansari aged generation. Then Transparent just kind of rips your heart out every episode, but is also so full of love and family and warmth. Really, really great storytelling for both of them.

And they've both got pretty good soundtracks. There were a few songs I wanted to share from Transparent, but I'm gonna go with Alice Boman. I heard her earlier this year and really liked her song Waiting. Sadly I found the rest of her music a bit boring. But Waiting is beautiful, and it's like the unofficial theme of Transparent or something. It's in like 3 episodes. But they actually use the PAL Remix a lot, and I like how it picks up at the end, so that's the one I'm actually gonna play you. I also considered a little LCD Soundsystem, but I've already done them twice this year, so I decided against it. And The Indigo Girls, cause they also feature prominently in a couple of episodes of Transparent, but not as prominently as Waiting. So off of her Skisser/Remixed EP (which you may have guessed is a remix EP of her original Skisser EP, and which has some great remixes), here Waiting (PAL Remix).

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Dec 16 - Nevermen

Today was another work from home and do strategy day. Went really well, and very glad I worked from home because I went to Daliah's last night, stayed until 10:30, then went to the grilled cheese shop and drank for another hour and a half. Whoops. And now I'm off to Daliah's again tonight. Oy. But tonight can't be a late night! I'm promising myself. I have to be up early. I can't do two nights like that and still make it to work, especially when I have a video conference with the CEO that means I have to work late, too.

Other happenings today included making plans for New Years Eve (I'll be in Hong Kong, we're still planning, but things are sounding great so far), and I watched like half of Transparent Season 2. I have no plans tomorrow night (those got moved to Friday), so I may just finish it tomorrow if possible. Such a great show. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor.

Today in new music for next year we have Nevermen. This is a group made up of Tunde Adebimpe from TV On The Radio, rapper Doseone, and some other guy, and they make weird music. Interesting, but very weird. Interesting enough for me to want to hear more. Also any side project from TV On The Radio is something I'll pay attention to. So here's a weird song for the day: Mr. Mistake.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dec 15 - Anohni

I worked from home today after a doctor's appointment. Basically any excuse I have to work from home, I use. I was out and about most of the morning anyway, first for my appointment and then for lunch, but I did some work this afternoon. And luckily not alone, I had the company of my puppy friend Ozzie! His mom is coming back from America tonight so his dad wants to go and pick her up at the airport, which means he won't be home until 9, so Ozzie needed company and walking. That's where I came in. We walked a bit, then I worked and he chilled, then we cuddled and watched a movie. Victoria. It's been on a couple of "Best of" lists this year, and sounded pretty great. I think the story was a bit lacking, but it's over 2 hours and the entire thing was done in a single take, which in and of itself is an amazing feat. So it is an impressive movie. Still no Birdman, though.

Now that I posted my favorite music of this year, it's time to get into next year. Actually, I've probably already posted a few songs of artists who I should be looking forward to next year without actually saying I'm looking forward to them. Well, today I say it, and the first one to share is Anohni. This is a new project from Antony Hegarty, of Antony and the Johnsons. I'm not a huge fan of hers, but I absolutely love her voice (mostly from stuff she's done with Bjork). And now this new project does sound like it could be pretty great. There's only one song so far, 4 Degrees, and based on this song I will like Anohni much more than Antony and the Johnsons.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dec 14 - Top 10 Albums of 2015

I finally decided my top 10 albums of the year. It was actually much more difficult than I thought to narrow it down. I almost expanded it to 20, actually. For some reason I didn't remember this year as being too great, but when I went back to listen to my longlist, I realized I was wrong and it was pretty damn good. I actually surprised myself with a few picks as well (and a few that were not picked). So here we go from number 10.

Leon Bridges
Coming Home

Art Angels

Joanna Newsom

Bomba Estéreo 


All We Need

Alabama Shakes
Sound & Color

Hiatus Kaiyote
Choose Your Weapon

Other Lives

The Arcs
Yours, Dreamily,

So that's 2015, but I can't finish this blog post in good conscience without 1 album from 2014 (and a few other goodies). Last year I put out my top 10 list, and like 3 days later, an amazing album was released. An album I had been waiting over a decade for. And I was not alone in my waiting. So I would be remiss not to tell you that you have to go and listen to this album as well.

D'angelo & The Vanguard
Black Messiah

I'm sure it's going to be on a lot of year end lists. I could have just added it to my Top 10, but that would have required a reshuffle and the exclusion of another album. And it was hard enough not to exclude some albums already. So hard, in fact, that I'm giving you some honorable mentions, which nearly made the 10th spot, but in the end were beaten out by Leon Bridges. Also worth checking out, though, are:

Florence + The Machine - How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful
Shamir - Ratchet

Of course there are others, but I'm not going to list everything. Anyway you can find the Top 10 on the Spotify playlist I'll be making (minus Joanna Newsom because she's not on Spotify). And you can find a bunch of other good songs on my blog playlist, where I've got my song of the day for every day this year (minus the ones I missed, obviously, but I did pretty damn good!).

And there are a few other honorable mentions that did not come in the form of albums, but in the form of EPs. I've never thought about doing a best of list for EPs, but this year came close, cause there was some great stuff out there. Mostly debut EPs, actually. But I'm not doing an EP list, so instead I'll just list a few here and you can make sure you also go and listen to them.

Anna B Savage - EP
Kacy Hill - Bloo
Tei Shi - Verde

And there we have it. My lists for the year. No more lists will be made, just the one, but I will keep doing my song of the day until the year ends, so hopefully you come and read more.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Dec 13 - The Fugees

Fucking. Daliah's. I've told you about this place before. Well once again I fell into it's trap yesterday. My day started out innocently enough, with Korean BBQ (so way too much food for any single person to consume), which we then walked off on the way to Daliah's. We being my two vegetarian friends and I, who all enjoyed lots of meat at Korean BBQ lunch. It was great. So we walked for like 75 minutes, which was actually a great decision for our stomach's and because the weather was lovely. So we walked all the way to Daliah's in order to do some prep and experimentation for today's Hanukkah party. The plan was to spend a few hours, then go home and watch a movie and do nothing. Well, I eventually got home at 4:30 in the morning. As I was planning to leave, Daliah's boyfriend Daniel showed up. He is often the reason that I stay there much longer than intended. We had dinner. We had beers. Then there was a private birthday party downstairs and so we had more beers and more drinks (this was already at like 10 or 11). Then we went to a big, gay party (my first gay party in Shanghai! I have managed not to make any gay male friends here, which I think is a first for me). Then a failed attempt at finding street food. And then finally home. It was wonderful, and Daniel (Daliah's aforementioned boyfriend) is now officially my best friend/gay lover. We discussed it last night. And we held hands. So it must be official. Jesus Christ I think I'm still a bit drunk. I'm laying in bed, not doing much of anything. The plan was to already on my way to Daliah's to prep for our party tonight. That obviously won't happen for a few hours.

On a music note, I was also inspired at Daliah's yesterday. She had a playlist with some great tracks going, and today's song was inspired by that playlist. It was actually a kind of weird playlist, considering what was in it and how it went together, but great in terms of the songs played. And some of them were classic hip-hop tracks. And I've been thinking about whether or not there are songs I have to get into this list before the year is over. And then the song came on. Which is maybe one of my favorite songs, but which I somehow totally forgot about. I guess that would make you think it can't be one of my favorite songs. But I promise it is. The Fugees. Killing Me Softly. A tune.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Dec 11 - Marcus Marr & Chet Faker

Today was a work from home day. Another strategy thing. Which I mentioned yesterday. Which was really good. Slow going, but really good. That's pretty much all there is to report today. I'm about to watch Iris, a documentary about Iris Apfel, then sushi, then drinks, then bed. Oh, and tonight I won't forget to light the menorah. Definitely not.

So while I've got a minute, here's a song from Marcus Marr, who I probably never would have known about if he didn't put out an EP (called Work) with Chet Faker, who I like very much. It's a pretty good EP. Fun stuff. Much more upbeat than Chet Faker's usual music. The first single, and today's song, is The Trouble With Us. Fun song for a Friday.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dec 10 - Shura

I thought I'd be having a boring day at the office today, but it was far from it. The morning was pretty slow, but I think that was more due to me not being able to wake up this morning, for some reason. So luckily I got busy and the day went quickly. And now I figured I might as well write a blog before going out on this date, since I don't know when I'll be home. But I actually have no clue what song to share, so I just wrote this paragraph, and then I'm gonna leave and figure it out while I'm gone, and come back and write about the exhibit and date.

Before I go, other fun things that happened today are I got recommendations for a good tailor. Finally! I think I'll try to go this weekend. Actually, I won't have time to go this weekend. I'll probably end up going next week sometime, or next weekend. And also my sister bought her ticket to China for next June, so now that's the whole family. My parents come June 1 - 24, and my sister June 8 - 23. It'll have been 5 years for my sister and 6 for my parents, so I'm excited to have them come!

Ok, I'm back. Date went well. Very well, This was number 2. I guess there'll be a number 3. We went to a show opening at MOCA that I got invited to, although we went up for snacks and wine first, without realizing the gallery itself was going to close, so we missed most of the art. But what we did see was very cool. It was this Korean artist who does hyperealistic paintings. I love that stuff, so I really do wish I got to see more. I'll probably try to go back before the show is over, though. And we met the artist and he was wearing a sparkly silver suit, so that was awesome. Both meeting him and his suit. And I confirmed she is not a Trump supporter, so even if I don't date her, I don't have to cut her out of my life.

I still have no idea what song to play today. Oy. OK. I have some ideas, but the problem is I don't know what song exactly to pick. So I'll pick a mediocre artist who had a song that caught my attention. So today you get to listen to White Light by Shura. Done. I actually wanted to share an artist I like more, but I didn't know which song to share by any of these artists I had in mind. Oh well. Goodnight!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Dec 9 - Flight Facilities

Getting back into the office today was a drag. I really do not enjoy going in there. It's so far... It's really wearing down on me. But I had productive day and finally finished one project I've been "working on" for months, so that was good. But for some reason after work I'm feeling sad. I don't know why, I have no real reason to, I had a perfectly fine day. Better than fine, in fact, because I ate foie gras xiaolongbao at the xiaolongbao place next to my house (which is the best one), and I went to my friend Graeme's houseparty. But for some reason I just have this weird feeling this evening. Maybe it's the rain. Whatever it is, I hope it's gone tomorrow, because I have a date. So that would be good. Speaking of dates (and Graeme's houseparty) turns out the girl I went out on my last date with was a friend of a friend (friend of an acquaintance really, but same same), and she heard about the date afterwards from the girl I went out with, and now might be bringing said girl to my Hanukkah party on Sunday. Which is fine, the girl was perfectly nice, I just didn't want to date her. Too nice, actually, which is a big part of why I didn't want to date her. But anyway, that's not a bad thing for someone I'm not dating.

I've rambled enough about nothing, so now I'll just ramble a bit more about music. Today's song is apparently 3 years old. It's Claire de Lune by Flight Facilities. It was posted on Soundcloud 3 years ago, and according to Spotify was a 2013 single and on a 2014 album. So when it came on at Daliah's last night I knew I recognized it, but couldn't place it. I checked her playlist though, which is how I found out what it is. It is a really beautiful song, and I can only imagine that I must have heard it 2 or 3 years ago, really liked it, listened to the Flight Facilities album after it was released, didn't like that so much, and then forgot about this song. But now it will be my blog song.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Dec 8 - APigeon

Today was a great work day. I mentioned yesterday that we were working on this strategy thing, so today my colleague came over and we worked from my place on starting to put together some real, coherent strategy. It was very exciting and fulfilling. I am looking forward to continuing.

But more exciting than work was that I went over to Daliah's and planned my Hanukkah party with her. I was planning to have something at my house on Saturday night, but instead we're having something much bigger at her restaurant on Sunday. We're now planning on having a latke bar, with regular latkes, sweet potato latkes, cheesy latkes and chili latkes, and like 6 different types of sauces. And the same for a donut bar, where you can fill and/or top your own donut. And of course matzoh ball soup. It's gonna be great, I'm super excited about it. And I haven't even told you the best part. I made a joke about having to find me a nice Jewish girl at the big Jewish party, and so there's a nice, French Jewish girl that Daliah has already found for me and invited! She just has to confirm if this girl is single or not....

Other exciting news today was the announcement of next year's Grammy nominees. It's usually not very exciting, honestly, and this year was no exception, because it's mostly a bunch of people I don't care about. Though I do love watching the show. But it was exciting to see a few great bands/artists/albums/songs up there, like Hiatus Kaiyote, Alabama Shakes, Florence + The Machine and D'Angelo & The Vanguard. I will be watching and hoping for the best for these people.

Someone not nominated for a Grammy is APigeon. She's a producer/singer from Montreal who just put out her debut album, A Pigeon Is Born. It's a bit weird, with a few really good tracks, like today's song, Moon 5, which was also one of her singles. Maybe even her debut single, not sure. But anyway, she's interesting and enjoyable. Most reminds me of Lia Ices (who in turn reminds me of Feist, but APigeon does not remind me of Feist, although she does mention Feist on her own bio). I'll have give the album another listen, because this is not actually my favorite song off of it, but it was the easy choice since I only listened once and wanted to share. But I don't know what my favorite song is yet. But this one is good.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Dec 7 - Whilk & Misky

Today was a hard day on the brain. I had a training course in change management, which was great, but it was a lot of information to take in. And very long. But hopefully very helpful. We'll find out soon(ish). Then I came home and rushed to dinner with Zabrina, and am now home, exhausted, to do some laundry and pass out. Luckily I'm not going into the office tomorrow. I'm having a strategy workshop with my colleague Andy, at my house, so that'll be nice. And important. And useful. And many other things. But also just nice that I don't have to go into the office. We'll be doing the same on Friday.

And since I'm tired, music will be quick. Clap Your Hands by Whilk & Misky immediately caught my attention when I heard it. But then the rest of their music did not even come close to catching my attention. I'd even say I didn't really like it. But this song was really good. Although I do think I'd probably get tired of it very quickly. Luckily I haven't heard it too many times yet. So for now, it gets a spot on the blog on a day when I don't want to write (or think) too much.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Dec 6 - Drake

I sure am glad I came back to Shanghai a day early. I ended up having a great, really busy day. I thought I wouldn't be doing anything until about 2pm, when I was planning to go to one of the Christmas Markets in town. It's a German Christmas Market put on by Paulaner Brewery, and I have a couple of friends who had booths there, so I wanted to go check it out, see them, and of course have some gluhwein. Well turns out I went at like 11:30 with a friend of a friend who's visiting Shanghai, and we had beers and stuff until about 2:30. Then I went to pick up candles for my menorah at shul, because Hannukah started tonight. And when I got there, the rabbi told me that there was a big first night party going on at the historic synagogue tonight from 6-8. So nothing until 2pm turned into that something at 11:30, followed by a long bike ride to get my candles, then another Christmas Market (the cool, young, hip one), and then shul for the Hannukah party. I've been gone like all day, eating and drinking mostly, and I am now exhausted (and very full). So I'm home, my menorahs are lit, and now I'm going to pass out early.

And since it's Hannukah, today's song comes from a nice Jewish boy: Drake. I've been wanting to make Hotline Bling a song of the day for a while, and just haven't. I like it very much, and I'm sure everyone has already heard it, so I kept putting it off. But then it came on at the second Christmas Market, and I was like "oh yeah he's Jewish let's do it!". So here we are. And because the video heavily features what I believe are Drake's bar mitzvah dance moves, I'm putting the video up instead of just the song stream.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dec 5 - Ings

I ended up coming back to Shanghai a day early. Everyone in Beijing was either busy or sick or out of town, so rather than sit around and feel sorry for myself cause my friends are busy and I wasn't doing anything, I just came back. I did get to see most of my friends, it's not like I wasn't going to see anyone, but I probably wouldn't have done anything tonight and would have felt bad about it. Doing nothing in Shanghai is ok, though, cause at least I can curl up in bed and not feel like my friends can't make time for me (which I'm sure isn't true, but still crosses my mind). So this was probably the right decision, although it's raining here so that's no fun. But I've picked what I think is a good rainy day song. Dog Physics, by Ings. This band isn't great, but I really liked this song when I heard it. And it's at least nominally about dogs, so gotta love that.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Dec 4 - Sofi Tukker

I spent my day going out to Langfang and back. Langfang is an industrial city about 55 kilometers (or 34 miles) from Beijing, so of course it took like an hour and a half to get there. Because Beijing traffic is so fun. One of our agents has a new facility out there, and a new marketing manager working there, so I went to see the facility and meet her. She seems pretty great, I think working with her will be a pleasure. That was pretty much my day. And next, Peking Duck!! I'm super excited, cause I haven't had it in a really long time. And I love it so much. Expect Instagram pictures.

Since there will be dinner and drinks, I better blog now. And today's song is Drinkee, the debut single from Sofi Tukker. It was supposed to be yesterday's song, but then Lucius dropped their new single and album release info, which if you missed yesterday you should probably go listen to now. Don't let the Portuguese lyrics on Drinkee fool you. Sofi Tukker is from Brooklyn. Sofi Tukker is also not a person, but two people, Sophie and Tucker, who put their names together and changed the spelling to make things more interesting. And I guess Portuguese lyrics will also do that. They definitely make it fun. This is a fun song, so also appropriate for a Friday evening.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Dec 3 - Lucius

This cold in Beijing is not fun. And it's made me sick again. And I realized today that when it's this cold, going inside and warming up after being out in the cold makes me really sleepy, so I've also been really sleepy today. Blergh. I'm about to take some Chinese meds and go pass out. But at least there isn't pollution to make it worse.

But before I do, Lucius is back! I didn't intend to share a Lucius song today, I intended to share something else (which will now be shared tomorrow). But they've been counting down on Instagram to a big announcement, and that big announcement was made today. Their new album, Good Grief, will be out next March! Good timing too, cause I had this crazy dream about Lucius last night. They came to China, and I was helping arrange their tour, which consisted of shows in high school auditoriums. Also my sister was their violin player. They don't have a violin player, and my sister does not play violin. It was weird. But I guess it was prescient, because today we also got the first single off of the new album, called Born Again Teen. It's a great track. If this is what we have to look forward to on the new album, I think it's gonna be a good one.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Dec 2 - Childbirth

I made it up to Beijing safe and sound today, and there was luckily no pollution to greet me. In fact, it wasn't even so cold! Pretty great. Of course there was the standard, miserable Beijing traffic. Which reminded me how much this city can suck, even on a day like today. But it also helped that I had amazing sushi for dinner. Maybe the only thing Beijing does better than Shanghai when it comes to food is Japanese food. Actually, also Chinese food. But for all other food, Shanghai is better. But, oh man, this sushi. There was so much of it. It was so delicious. It made me so happy. And it made me very happy to see Rich, my formerly-vegetarian best friend, eating it. Now he's just a pescatarian. Anyway, more food to be had while I'm here, mostly Chinese, and one burger. Mmmm....

Today's song comes from Seattle punk-trio Childbirth, who I never heard of before today and probably won't spend any time listening to. But I heard this song and thought it was fine background music, until I noticed the name and listened to the lyrics. The song is Siri, Open Tinder, off of the band's sophomore album Women's Rights. And it's basically a list of who they swipe left and right on. Amazing!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Dec 1 - Duologue

And just when I thought work wasn't too exciting, something a bit nuts happened today. I really shouldn't say too much, but ask me when you see me and I can tell you all about it. It was a pretty hectic day that ended with something somewhat ridiculous, which made me laugh more than anything else, I guess. But I'm glad it's over, and I definitely need a drink after this one. Good thing I've got a date at one of my favorite bars tonight, so that should be good.

Also good is Duologue, this British band I just found a couple weeks ago. Very Radioheadish. They put out their second album, Never Get Lost, last year, and it's a really good one. Most songs are all kind of the same, but it is a pretty great sound. Best track would probably have to be Forests, so now you get to listen to that today.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Nov 30 - Joon Moon

It was another busy Monday at work, without anything very interesting to report. I sometimes wonder if I did have something to report if I should actually do so or not? Like if something interesting happened at work, there's probably some degree of confidentiality I should be respecting, right? Well, I guess luckily barely anyone reads this and nothing that interesting or confidential is going on, so I don't have to worry about it too much. So I guess the most exciting thing today was Thanksgiving leftovers I ate for lunch, and then again for dinner with Julia. She came over to hang out and have leftovers, which was great cause we haven't had one on one time for a while now. So it was really good to catch up and chat a bit. But I'm exhausted, so I made her leave early and I'm going to sleep.

Before that, let me introduce Joon Moon. They are from France. Well, half of them are from France, the other half are from Kansas or something, but now living in France. You can read more (in not so great English) on their website. But they have one EP with 3 tracks, all of which are very good. They sound absolutely nothing like Miike Snow, but something about them reminds me of Miike Snow in their less electronic songs. I don't know why. Maybe I'm just crazy. Anyway, here's Help Me, my favorite track off the Chess EP, which is also going onto my 2016 watchlist in the hopes that they put out a proper album.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Nov 29 - B.Miles

So it's been a pretty great weekend. I think I left off on my way to Pudong on Friday night. We met up with my Chinese friend for dinner, which turned out to be one of the best Shanghainese meals I've had. I'm not actually a big fan of Shanghainese food in general, but this place she took us was really great. Usually it's way too sweet and covered in heavy sauces, but not this one. Maybe it's just that I always order wrong, who knows, but this time I enjoyed it. Then we did a bit of bar hopping. On the way back from Pudong we stopped at the Bund to have a drink at El Willy, one of my favorite restaurants in the city. I know we'd just eaten, but you can't not eat at this place. It's fantastic. And it's Spanish tapas, so it's really just small, bite-sized things anyway. The plan after that was to take him to one of my favorite bars in town, Senators Saloon, but it was super packed. So we passed on that and hit up a couple more bars on the walk home. We actually ended up finding this bar called Uptown which I've been looking for and passed a million times without actually realizing it was the bar. I've been wanting to go cause they have this big record collection and you can basically play DJ. In addition, I learned on Friday that they also have two dogs and a great selection off well-priced import beers. So I definitely want to spend more time there.

Then yesterday was Thanksgiving dinner. Most of the day was just spent running errands and preparing, then people came over around 3 and from there it was all group cooking and preparing and lots (and lots and lots) of drinking. It was fantastic. There were 12 of us for dinner, followed by Cards Against Humanity, followed by passing out for like 11 hours. I can't believe how much I slept. I don't even know the last time I slept that much in one night. It was fantastic. Then today was grilled cheese, more beers, The Martian, and leftovers for dinner. I have so many leftovers. I'm gonna be eating them all week. Which is totally find with me.

I also got a bit of new music this weekend, and the artist that stands out the most is B.Miles (no space). She's a new artist from LA, and she put out her debut EP, twenty fifteen, a few months ago. The opening track, Nine Matches, is probably my favorite of her three songs, and I will definitely be putting her on my watchlist for next year.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Nov 28 - The O'Jays

I'll have to write about last night and today in tomorrow's blog, because I'm just taking a quick minute out of Thanksgiving prep to write this. Dinner is happening at my place tonight for like 15 people. Should be wonderful. And I have a playlist which, surprisingly, I got from Khloe Khardashian (sp?). It was the best Thanksgiving playlist on Spotify, which I then added more to cause it was too short. And now I've got a wonderful Motown playlist! So today's song is Love Train, by The O'Jays, off of the Thanksgiving playlist.

Nov 27 - Gary Clark Jr.

Flying Lotus last night was pretty awesome. It was pretty much just a DJ set, not like a live concert, but he did also rap on a few of his songs. The music was great, though, and the sound system, too. But the best part of the night was the visuals. He stands in front of a screen with his laptop and whatever other machines he's got up there, and that's behind a somewhat transparent second screen. So while he's DJing, he has videos playing on both the screens in front of and behind him, creating awesome 3D visuals. And they're super cool and trippy. It was one of the most visually stimulating concerts I've ever been to.

Then today was pretty calm. Again, I was working from home. And I got more work done today than yesterday. Still only the minimum required work, though. Otherwise I skyped my parents, got a haircut, and found a new Japanese place. The only thing I didn't get done was a nap, which I really wanted, but now I have no time cause I'm having dinner with my Chinese friend over in Pudong, and being Chinese dinner must be at 6pm. So no naps for me.

Surprisingly, I didn't listen to as much music as I would have expected while working from home. So for today's song, I went through my long list of best albums of the year, and found that there was only one artist on that long list who I did not share any music by this year. So today is Gary Clark Jr.'s day. I'm actually surprised to see he's never made it on my blog. I love his first album, Blak and Blu, which came out back in 2012. And this year's The Story of Sonny Boy Slim is also a great one. I'm not sure it'll be in the Top 10, but still a great album. So I'll share one of my favorite tracks off of it, Grinder.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Nov 26 - Flying Lotus

I do love working from home. If you can call it working. I barely did anything work related today. But I did what was required, and that's what matters. And I took Sean to Baoism, which was great, as usual. Then to Spin Ceramics, which was great, as usual. I got the first of many weddings gifts that need to get got for next year. No gifts for myself, but that's ok cause I really don't need more things. I didn't do anything Thanksgiving related today, though. Due to living outside America and not getting actual Thanksgiving Day off, my Thanksgiving now usually happens on Saturday. I think only once in my years abroad has it happened on the actual day. So nothing special for Thanksgiving today. And now I'm just home, waiting to leave for dinner and a concert.

What concert you say? Flying Lotus. Which is why he's today's artist. He's a producer/DJ from LA. I can't say I'm a huge fan, but I do enjoy him. And he's supposed to put on a great show. And it's Shanghai and I'll see just about anyone who I even passingly like. But I more than passingly like Flying Lotus. And I much more than passingly like Do The Astral Plane, an amazing song off of 2010's Cosmogramma.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Nov 25 - Golden Youth

I didn't have to go to the office today! Well, that's only half true. I did go, but then I left an hour later to drive 2 hours to a small city called Yixing to meet a potential customer who had apparently already purchased a competitor's machine, unbeknownst to us, but we sat and had a chat and then drove 2 hours back. I actually could have gotten a lot more done at the office today, compared to accomplishing nothing on this visit. But at least it's left me with stuff to do when working from home tomorrow so that I actually feel like I've accomplished some work and not just found an excuse not to go to the office.

In other news, Sean is visiting, as I mentioned. I saw him for about 5 minutes last night. He was supposed to get in at 5:40, but thanks to the snow up north, there were delays and the trains ran slow, so he finally got in at 10:00, and to mine around 10:45. Poor guy. But he's been exploring today, and now I'm off to meet him at the grilled cheese shop! My favorite!

I'm not sure where I found Golden Youth, but here they are. They put out an album back in 2013 (called Quiet Frame; Wild Light. I like the use of the semicolon) and an EP in 2014 (called The Cabin), of which I've only heard the latter. It's ok, nothing great, but I do really like the last track, Stars Apart. Especially from about the 3:15 mark. So it's today's song.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Nov 24 - Buscabulla

Another long day at the office. But this time not with only financial reports, luckily. I had a few weeks where I was super busy at the office and didn't mind being there every day, but now I'm more or less caught up and stuff is slowing down, so it'd be nice to get out. Luckily I will be on Thursday and Friday.

Last night I think I found my favorite Japanese place in Shanghai so far. It is this tiny little izakaya that's hidden back in a housing complex. Everything there is great, probably the best Japanese food I've had in Shanghai so far. And pretty reasonable. I just wish they had a bigger menu, but we managed to find a ton of delicious things. I definitely need to go back. And tonight it's on to another favorite, Lotus Eatery. It's probably my favorite Chinese restaurant in Shanghai, and as I have 2 friends visiting (my friend Rachael is here on business, and my friend Sean is on his way from Beijing to spend a few days visiting) it's a must. So dinner tonight will be great, too!

Since I posted yesterday about my first artist on my 2016 watchlist, it got me thinking that I should go back and check in on my 2015 watchlist. A few of the artists I did indeed watch, and a few of the artists I have no idea why I put them on there in the first place cause their music is just not good. But on great thing I came across that I hadn't been watching was Buscabulla. Actually there's been nothing to watch, though, so it's ok. They put out their debut EP in 2014, produced by Blood Orange, and haven't done anything else since. But the EP is quite cool. They're from Puerto Rico, so it's all in Spanish, and it's experimental synth pop. What's not to love about that? So here's Temporal, though the entire EP is worth checking out.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Nov 23 - Kolidescopes

Today gave me quite the headache. I spent the entire day sorting through competitor financial statements in Chinese. And for some reason staring at the screen today really got to me and made my brain not want to function properly after a certain point. I don't know what was so different about staring at a screen all day today, but I sure am glad it's over. And up next is sushi for dinner, which is always a great thing. I'm trying out a new place with a couple friends, hopefully it'll be good. It's got great reviews, though. And I wanted sushi/Japanese food last night but didn't end up getting any, so I'm glad we'll be having it tonight. Instead I had tacos, cause I ended up on a last minute date last night. Which was fine, but nothing special, so there won't be a second one.

I was back on the new music again today at work (though not Adele, cause she's not on Spotify. But not to worry, I'm listening to her now), and I started a new playlist, for my 2016 watchlist. And the first band to go on it is Kolidescopes, who have one song out, which I like very much, called Back To You. It actually came out a couple months ago, but it's new to me. So I think it's fitting they're the song of the day since they got me started looking ahead to next year.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nov 22 - High Highs

I had a very chill Sunday. Probably because I was recovering from vegetarian Thanksgiving. Who knew you could get so full without eating meat? Well, I was ridiculously, uncomfortably full. As you should be after Thanksgiving. It now has me a bit concerned for next week, though.  But yeah, I did nothing this morning, which was great. And then this afternoon I went to see Spectre. It was just ok, though. I mean, it was a fun, action-packed Bond film, but I feel like everything was too easy and too convenient. The recent films have been really smart and believable (well, as believable as they can be, anyway), and I feel like a lot of thought has gone into filling in the details of the plot to make it more believable. But not so much with this one. It's amazing how fast people can fall in love and how a single bullet can destroy and entire evil lair. But that being said, it was still fun. And the Bond girl this time is Lea Seydoux, who I'm now a bit in love with. How did I not feel this way after Grand Budapest? She was apparently also in that. I think I need to go rewatch it.

Other things I'm enjoying today are High Highs's new single, Cascades. They put out an album, Open Season, back in 2013, which got a lot of attention, but which I remember no being blow away by. The big song then was the title track, Open Season, which is quite good, but yeah, then the album wasn't so great. So now they're back with new music, and again I like the lead single off of whatever album is upcoming, so hopefully I like the second album more than the first.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Nov 21 - Kins

Oh man, what a day. I spent the entire day cooking, pretty much. I'm going to this vegetarian Thanksgiving tonight, and got it into my head to make a quiche. And I had to make it from scratch, crust and all. As it turns out, making the crust is not as difficult as I expected, but it is time consuming. And it hurts my arms. I think I spent like an hour and a half cutting butter into the dough. It was ridiculous. But it is now done and in the oven and I'm very proud of myself. Hopefully it tastes good, too. It's spinach and mushroom and tons and tons of cheese. Like a shit ton of parmesan, mozarella and cheddar. So actually even if the crust sucks, I don't think anyone will care. And I have enough dough to make another, so the next one will be much easier and quicker.

I'm not sure if that was a fun note or not, but on a not so fun note, Natalie and I are no longer seeing each other. It was very mutual and amicable, it's just that we are not looking for the same thing at the moment. It's too bad, she is pretty great, but I feel pretty good about our talk and our decision. And I actually do think we will remain friends, which is what we both want. Anyway, so now I wait for the quiche to finish and then I'm off to vegetarian Thanksgiving. Not to worry, though, I am having a real Thanksgiving next week, too.

But before that, here's a song for you. Today's song is from Kins, a British band in the vein of Alt-J that I just found out about. I heard about them through their new EP, Cyclical, which came out earlier this year. And they've released two more songs since then as a run up to their second album, which is due next year. I still haven't listened to their first album, but considering how much I like the Cyclical EP, I probably should. It's quite difficult to pick a track off of Cyclical to play for you, cause they're all great, but I think we're gonna go with Young, as it's also an official single off the EP. But listen to the whole EP, it's great.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Nov 20 - Astrid S

The Lego interview yesterday went really well. As expected (and preferred), it was more of a conversation than an interview. I spoke with the VP of HR for about an hour, and it seems like they do want to give me a job, but need to find the right position. The impression I left with is that there's a better chance than not that I will go work for them, but it might not be very quick. Which is actually good because I would ideally not leave Bauer for like 6 months. So all good on that front. And the office is pretty amazing, and in a pretty amazing location, so these are all plusses.

Other than that, I'm just glad it's the weekend. I've been super tired all week for some reason, and it's been a long and stressful week, so I'm glad it's over. There has been some fun, such as Julia's birthday party last night, but it was mostly work stuff and stress. So that's not fun. At least I didn't have to go into the office the last 2 days.

And having not gone into the office the last 2 days I was mostly listening to my list of albums to make it into my top 10. But having gone into the office today, I listened to some new music again. And one song I found and liked is Hyde, by Astrid S. It's a great song, reminds me of Kacy Hill, which is of course a great thing. It's also a surprising thing, considering she actually got her start on Norway's version of American Idol. But this is a good direction. Better than her first single, 2AM, which I went and listened to after hearing Hyde, and was not so impressed with. Let's hope she keeps this up instead.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Nov 19 - Missy Elliott

I had my Lego interview this morning. It went quite well. Despite that, I didn't have the best day so don't much feel like talking. I'll write about Lego later, I guess.

I did also find out that Missy Elliott has put out a new single today, called WTF (Where They From). And in typical Missy fashion, it's great. With an awesome video. And Pharrell Williams. What's not to like? Glad to see that after that long hiatus, she has not lost it at all.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nov 18 - Field Report

I almost forgot to write a blog today! I was just getting ready to go to bed and it occurred to me I hadn't. So in a nutshell, my German colleagues finally left today, I worked from home, I actually got a lot of work done despite working from home, I went to my friend Melanie's gallery opening, and I'm interviewing with Lego tomorrow (finally!). Ok, done.

And luckily for music, I heard a great song yesterday. Not really new, it's from last year, but it's new to me. The song is Cups and Cups, by Field Report. Just like yesterday's song, it came up on Beth's playlist. But whereas yesterday was a reminder, today is totally new. In fact, it's probably the best thing I've heard on her playlist so far, either old or new. Thanks Beth!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Nov 17 - Oh Wonder

Today was pretty much a waste of a day. I was in CRM training again. Training which I've actually given, so there's no real reason for me to be in it, but I was. And for some reason I'm exhausted today, even though I got like 8 good hours of sleep. At least I got to leave the office early, and I'm working from home tomorrow and Thursday. And it's my last night entertaining my German colleagues, and then I have fun things planned for the rest of the week. So these are all good things.

I had Oh Wonder on my drafts list for a while because I'd been thinking about writing about them, then never got around to it. Mostly because their album wasn't great. I liked them before their album came out, but then once it did I realized all their songs are pretty much exactly the same. So listening to an album of it isn't that fun. But a song here and there is. And I was reminded of that fact today by my friend Beth. I follow one of her playlists on Spotify and have been listening to it, and Livewire, the opening track from the album, came on, and I remembered how good it is. So today's song is Livewire, off of Oh Wonder's self-titled debut album.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nov 16 - Grimes

This was quite the busy morning at the office. I had a bunch of stuff to take care of in like 2 hours, because for the rest of the day and all of tomorrow I was/will be in training. I actually don't need this training at all, but I'm glad for it because it's for our CRM project, which is finally rolling out. I was working on this project when I started with the company, and I'm no longer involved, but it's still nice to finally see it be implemented. Also, it's over a year behind schedule and should do a lot to help our business, so I'm glad to finally see it rolled out for that reason as well.

In this big rush this morning, I did find time to buy myself a ticket to Hong Kong for New Year! My friend Shuk-Wah just moved there recently, so I really want to go visit. Plus it'll be a new place to spend New Year, and you know my thing with New Year. I also don't think I've been to HK for fun in like 6 years. I've been a couple times for work, which always included a bit of fun, but this is just vacation. And it's the only trip I have planned at the moment, although once this trip is done and the new year begins, it seems like I'll be back on my crazy travel schedule. In addition to a bunch of events we have to plan in the first half of the year, I know I've got trips to the US in January, Germany in February (which should coincide with Chinese New Year which means I'm going to Scandinavia somewhere to see the Northern Lights! Bye, bye bucket list item!), and then I've also got Dubai in March (which will hopefully line up with a weekend so I can go to Jordan and see Petra! Bye, bye other bucket list item!) and Germany (again) in April. So it's off to a busy start next year. Assuming I stay with my company, anyway... But we just might know more about that on Thursday...

I have to say, Grimes impressed me this year. I have not been a huge fan of hers in the past. I feel like she's always put out great songs, followed by terribly disappointing albums, considering how great her singles have been. In fact, I'm a bit loathe to put her on the blog today because she's already been on once this year and I'm so torn about her, especially given all the hype she gets, which I don't think has quite been deserved. But her new album, Art Angels, is solid. This is more of that "good pop" music I talk about. It is quite poppy, but also inventive and interesting and creative. In fact, it's on the long list of my best albums for the year, which I'm currently working through to try and pare down to just 10. We'll see if Art Angels makes it, but it is a great album. And my favorite track on it is Flesh without Blood. Actually, Flesh without Blood and the track after it, Belly of the Beat, are my two favorites. It's a nice little couplet of songs. The video for Flesh without Blood has been coupled with Life in the Vivid Dream, an interlude at the end of the album, for some reason, so you can enjoy that one too, but Flesh without Blood is the only one for the Spotify playlist.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Nov 15 - Patrick Watson

I am quite sleepy today. Last night was Chi Fan for Charity, a charity dinner party that happens once a year. Basically, a bunch of restaurants donate a table for 10 (with booze), someone hosts the table, and you buy a ticket for varying prices depending on the restaurant to go and eat this dinner with the host and 8 other people. Then you go to an afterparty where there's free flow booze. So that was last night. We were actually only there until like 1:30, so I probably shouldn't be as tired as I am. But anyway, it was great. I had dinner at this Spanish place called Azul, right around the corner. The table was hosted by Natalie, the girl I've been seeing. Then the afterparty was at an art gallery, and all the different tables come together there, so I saw a few friends that were at dinner at other tables. After the afterparty the plan was to go to a bar and then KTV, but while Natalie and I were waiting for an Uber this crazy fight broke out between these 3 girls and this guy and his girlfriend in which the guy ended up hitting one of the girls and it was nuts. Many people interjected themselves, I was trying to keep the guy calm and keep him from continuing to get involved and making even more of a douche of himself than he already had, which didn't work very well. It was ridiculous. So that kind of ruined the mood, and we just went home instead of continuing on to the bar. But other than that, great evening!

And today I've just been hanging out and not doing much of anything. I tried a new South American restaurant, which was much better than I expected, and I finished watching Master of None, which was also much better than I expected and I had really high expectations to begin with. Fantastic show. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it all. It's fantastic. Unfortunately I have to go and pick up my colleagues soon who are in town from Germany and then take them out to dinner somewhere. And I have to do the same tomorrow and Tuesday night, too. Not really looking forward to it. The guy who's coming is nice and I've worked with him quite a lot (I don't really know the woman coming with him), I guess I'm just tired and would rather spend time with friends. Or Natalie. Or on my couch chilling out. Actually, I think it's the fact that I have to go all the way out to the train station to pick them up that's making me really not want to go see them. Otherwise it'll be fine. I just don't want that schlep.

My post yesterday made me remember to share Patrick Watson. He put out a new album, Love Songs For Robots, earlier this year. I've been listening to this guy for a few years, and I wouldn't say I'm crazy about him, he does make quite a lot that I don't like, but when he makes stuff that is good, it tends to be really, really good. Kind of like Regina Spektor, I guess. So he's got this new album, and my favorite song on it is called Bollywood. It's a pretty chilled out song, but wait until the 3:30ish mark and it gets really interesting. But in general, he's a pretty chilled out guy.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Nov 14 - Reuben Hollebon

Today was a wonderfully lazy day. I felt a bit bad about it, because it was actually quite nice out, but it's exactly the kind of day I wanted. I was out quite late last night. My friend Jenny has friends in town, so we went to Mercato for dinner, one of Jean Georges restaurants here in China (and one of my favorite restaurants here in China). Then I didn't come home until this morning and just wanted to lay on the couch. Also I was supposed to have a bunch of deliveries today. So the idea was to do that while watching Masters of None. Started out well, but then Cy and Veronika stopped by and we ended up talking and juicing (with alcohol) and playing Katamari the entire day. It was fantastic! And Ozzie, their dog, was here, too. Doesn't get much better than that! And now it's time to get ready for an evening at Chi Fan for Charity, a charity (duh) event here in Shanghai which I'll tell you more about tomorrow.

Before that I need to play you a song and I have no idea what to play you. I feel like if you asked me 2 days ago I would have had like 4 songs to choose from. But now I can't think of anything. So we'll go with this guy Reuben Hollebon. He's been on my "drafts" list for a while, but only has 2 songs and then I just never went back and actually shared his music. As I said, he has 2 songs, the second of which, Haystacks, was released last week. The first of which, Faces, was released much earlier. Faces was the one I would have shared when it was his only song, but now that he has two I think I'm going to share Haystacks. It's quite dark and moody, and sort of reminds me of a darker version of Patrick Watson (which, now that I think of it, is one of the 4 people I would have said I want to share music by if you'd asked me a few days ago). I'm not sure how much I'll like Reuben Hollebon once he has more music, but I like him enough to pay attention at the moment.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Nov 13 - Elias

I got my juicer today! I started out with orange-carrot juice. I wanted to add ginger, but I think my ginger's gone bad. I also bought apples and dragonfruit and pineapple and I'm super excited to make more juice. And even though I think it's super weird, I kind of even want to try making vegetable and leafy green juices. This thing is great!

Other than that, I didn't go to the office today. I did more hotel site visits for our trade show next November. We've gotta get started early on this thing, unfortunately. But at least it got me out of the office. And we went to this crazy art hotel out in the middle of nowhere. Super random choice of locations. But this random place is actually probably my first choice for hotels at the moment. And they have Damien Hirst and Ai Weiwei and Yayoi Kusama pieces just on display. Super unexpected.

And in new music, today's song comes from Swedish singer Elias. I just heard him yesterday from my friend Sophie's brother, Ed. He put out his debut EP, Warcry, last week, and it's pretty great. Especially the first two tracks. Towards the end it's a bit too poppy, but still alright. And his voice is awesome. I read one thing that said he's a teen, but didn't give his age, but his voice definitely doesn't sound like a teen. But this all started because I shared a song by SG Lewis, making reference to Kwabs, and was given Elias in return. So if you know Kwabs, expect similar vocals. Sadly I can't find Warcry on iTunes yet, but at least it's on Spotify. And only the first two singles, Revolution and Green Eyes, are anywhere else online. But I want to share Cosmetic Love, so Spotify embed it is.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Nov 12 - Here We Go Magic

I didn't get to sum up yesterday when I wrote yesterday. But it was a big day. Mostly because it was my sister's birthday (that's all there is to say about that, really. We texted a bit, she's on tour (so fancy) and at pancakes or something and danced), but also because it was the largest global shopping day of the year. 11/11 in China is the equivalent of Cyber Monday in the US, except like a bajillion times bigger. Apparently there were US$4 billion worth of transactions in the first hour, and something like US$17 or US$19 billion in transactions the entire day. This is in comparison to the less than $2 billion that sells on Cyber Monday. And I did my part to help. I wanted to buy a juicer (which I got 3 of. Not just for me, for me and for 2 other friends), but I ended up buying a lot more. Like a blender, and plates, and a wok, and just other random crap. I went a bit crazy. And it's not easy shopping cause it's hard work to get the best deals possible. I probably spent more time trying to figure out which knife or which plate to buy so that I'd get the largest discount even if I was buying a more expensive item. And I didn't even get everything I wanted. I can still think of like half a dozen things I wish I'd bought (which I probably won't now. Or maybe I will anyway...). But I'm excited for things to be delivered this weekend! There will be many boxes, and much juice!

I thought about posting Here We Go Magic last night, because I was in a rush and it was late and I don't have much to say about them. I know I've heard of them before, but I'm not sure I'd heard them before listening to their newest album, Be Small, or if I'd just heard of them. But their new album isn't great, so I'm ok with not knowing more. Except for one track, Tokyo London US Korea. This is a good one. And these are all great places.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Nov 11 - Balthazar

Fuck Daliah's. And fuck Julia. Every time I go to that place I end up drunk and there all night. That was not the plan tonight. I told myself I'd leave at 10. Now it's 1am and I just got home and have to get up in 5 hours. But I had a fantastic time, as usual. But I'll be quick. It's my sister's birthday (yay Hanna!). It's the biggest shopping day in the world (yay 11/11 in China!). I'm tired.

Next. Balthazar is a good band. They have a debut album called Thin Walls. Then What, amongst others, is a great song.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Nov 10 - Stolen Jars

I just had a wonderful dinner after a mediocre day at work. And don't have to go to work in the morning, so that's an added bonus. Dinner was at this French restaurant around the corner that I was recommended, which is even better than expected. And it was with this couple that I've run into like 4 times over the last year at random events around town and really like, and now we live near each other and are hopefully going to be friends. Also they're pretty into music, like me, so that's always nice. In fact the next time we see each other will be at a Flying Lotus concert on Thanksgiving.

But no Flying Lotus today. Today it's Stolen Jars. I heard this band recently and have become a really big fan. I keep listening to their debut album, Kept, because it's a great one. If Saintseneca is like The Decemberists light, then Stolen Jars is like Saintseneca light. But also with a female vocalist. Not only a female vocalist, it's like half and half. Some songs just have the guy, some just the girl. In fact one of my favorites, Another November, is just the girl. But I think the guy is supposed to be the "main" vocalist or something. And they've got some great guitar riffs, which probably remind me more of Saintseneca than The Decemberists. So I'll play you a song with both of them and with some of those wonderful, cyclical guitar riffs that they've got going on, which is the title track, Kept.